Each of these pictures stirs my heart: some because I know the story, some because of the light and shade, shape and forms that presented themselves at that moment. Andrew Lack

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The death of nine

Now how will we count past eight? Castle Hill June 24th

Carefully repeated series

each in its correct place. Castle Hill June 24th


the art of not falling: Castle Hill June 24th

Mythic serpents

Mythic Serpents approach a quiet street: Castle Hill June 24th

Light Fitting

I hesitate to turn it on... what might come out? Castle Hill June 24th

Leaves of substance

and leaves of shadow: Castle Hill June 24th


Traces of flight: Castle Hill June 24th

That just one flower could say so much...

is a testament to the sayer and tale. Castle Hill June 24th

Creatures Create

Creatures are made to create, divide, propogate, intertwine, exude... Hopkins says it better. Castle Hill 24th June

Competing Brands

Competing Brands... gravitas v exuberance: Castle Hill 24th June

Certainty and uncertainty

Certainty and uncertainty do not add to one whole: Castle Hill June 24